I am in great spirit. I know you can feeeeeel the vibes. 

First quarter was a bit rough, had to come to terms and flex a bit on a few aspects of my life. I withdrew from everything and dug deeper than the last time.. 

I am now ready for this second quarter. 

We are in March. 

March – April – May 

June is half time.  (6/12)

The irony that it’s also my birthday. 

(25 on the 10th) 

Shit is real. 

The first quarter help prep me for this second coming of Cris* it has already started off smoothly, and will continue to roll out as such. I’m taking a trip this week, and it will be everything I need. 

I’m so aware, it’s nerve wrecking. I’m calming myself and maintaining that sense of cool.. By reminding myself of where I’m coming from, and where I’m going. Where I’m at is just another step along the way. Also, weed helps. A lot. 

I’m working on myself as I work on everything else, per usual. I feel better. 

It’s a lot going on, a lot I could be distracted by .. I’m focused though. I love that even my distractions are still things pertaining to me and my goal, it’s just the timing of the thought or act is not in alignment with what I’m doing right now. What needs to be tended to now, has to be the focus, to make what is attempting to distract me, no longer that. 

Distractions are funny though, we choose what we allow to distract us.. So in a sense, our attention level of energy that we refuse to use for the task at hand yet so helplessly wander over to something that’s for next month. 
Is it that we deem the distraction more important, bc it’s not the task at hand?  The task at hand seems done as you get through it so you allow yourself to be side tracked? Is a distraction merely a revelation? Only we know for ourselves. 

I say all that to say this, 

The thought is just a thought until desire makes it an action.

You are your desires. 

Are you focused? Are you doing what you desire? If not, what’s distracting you? Are you taking the steps needed to live the lifestyle you deeply desire? 

You know what time I’m on .. I wish you all many blessings I know you feel the shift as well. Act acccordingly. 

Shit real. 
Ps. If you are in the NYC area, March 24th stop on by my reading #LustHearIt we will read from 12:24am and discuss the concept of time and personal experiences and opinions on the content of the collection.. More info and RSVP link below 

