Lust Talk About It – Happy Birthday!

This day last year, (5-15-15) I put my first self published book up for sale: print and digital formats. This is also the day I quit my job.

It’s been a year, and I can honestly say I’m so proud of myself and as I tear up with joy, I also feel restless. I have not fully taken advantage of what I have accomplished. I managed to self publish an entire book surrounding one of the most fickle topics in the Western Hemisphere: Lust. I did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself.. Or if I look to those who’ve read my work. 

There’s still plenty who have not read my book. 

There lies my restlessness, I quit my job for one that allowed me to work at my real job: my brand. My book. I just didn’t go as hard as I set out. See, I was clouded, it’s so clear now in retrospect. I let certain things slow me up that shouldn’t have been a factor. I spent time carelessly on these obstacles and confusion that I forgot, my purpose for the whole book.. First, I thought I needed to get it off my chest and spark the conversation.. Now, I know I must mediate it. 

Too many are closed minded, they are terrified at even discussing Lust and what it really means, that’s dangerous. I have noticed patterns in this last year, that scream how much I’m slacking, period. Yeah, I’m working shit out, expressing myself best way I know how to, at the moment. It’s still not enough. 

I had a man approach me about my shirt (Ask me about Lust) just to tremble and shake when I offe(red) a card, he wouldn’t take it, despite his body jerking to do so. It was weird, but it has become normal to me. He isn’t the first person I have encounte(red) this last year who have expressed similar emotions. What does this tell me? They’re sca(red) to give it a chance, they are set in their ways.. 

I won’t force anything on anyone, that’s never my intent. It just fuels my desire to seek understanding as to why, and to explore more in depth those who are fearless of subjects, such as lust. 

I won’t lie, and say I didn’t think I’d be on the New York Times best sellers list by now… I really believe I’m great enough to be in everyone’s bookshelf, can I say I’m disappointed? Perhaps, I know why I’m not there yet. 

I know what I didn’t do.. Despite all I do, I’m very aware of what I don’t do. That’s just as important. 

Being real, between me and you, I will be on it sooner than later, and it won’t be the only list I top. Don’t get it twisted though, It’s never about the list, it’s about the reach. 

Sometimes you reach people in ways that can’t make a list, and it doesn’t belittle the journey if it isn’t tallied up, as long as it’s felt. Deeply. 

As I reflect on a series of recent events, this book has helped me grow, made me even stronger as I kept my both feet planted in the soil I continue to nurture, all while exploring the endless garden of possibilities. Shit is real. 

I’ve had my book compa(red) to the 48 laws of power … The person wasn’t aware of my love for Robert Greene, my heart melted that day… Someone told me, your book so real, to agree with you, I had to be honest with myself first. I could’ve cried. Another actually cried when reading certain essays.. Shit is crazy, someone suggested I remove the religion portion of my book. I get often, how it should’ve been longer (which I take as a compliment) I’ve gotten great feedback and skeptical feedback, all taken into consideration. In this next year, I know where this book will take me, and everyone else who comes across it. 

I’m going harder this year for sure. 

Keep calm stay lusty. 

If you would like to obtain a copy of Lust Talk About it for yourself or a loved one, click the cover below 



K lo k, dimelo.. Wass happenin? 

Shit real or nah? 

You know it is. 

5 planets in retrograde, so the energy is definitely different.. The orbit of our solar system affect us directly in multiple ways.. Many of us are dumb to think we are above the orbit. Smh we are orbits… Funny how sometimes we go into our own personal retrograde, shit gets real then. And shit real now. 

I’m feeling good though, continuing to test out theories and push my progression. 

I love that I am able to be completely honest with myself even when that means revealing how I am wrong. That’s right to me! To face the error in your ways, despite it proving you were deluded or wrong, makes you right. You know this. 

Act accordingly. 

We do not have to explain ourselves to anyone verbally, we must however always explain in action. Action is what seals right and wrong. Progressive or destructive. 

We must be impeccable with our word, our daily word. 

You don’t keep your word, you lied. 

We can’t tell these form of lies, which in turn weaken our power. We speak of things we don’t ACT on. When your actions speak for you, why talk? Stfu. 

Shut up. Just keep moving. Say less. 

Do more. 

24hours in a day, 168 in a week… How you breaking it up? 

See halftime coming, and shit is clicking. Half of the year will be up… What have you done? What are you doing? What the fuck are you waiting for? 

Remind yourself what it is you want, who it is you are. 

Who you want to be is who you are, the only thing stopping you is who you are today.. Levels to fruition with desire. Stop doubting yourself. 

Literally you have nothing to lose! Nothing!! Worst case scenario you fall short? You’re one step closer. Best case scenario, you’re further than you envisioned. 

Ask yourself, guide yourself. Consult with yourself. You deserve to enjoy the life you live. Get your shit together, mind your business and stay hydrated. 

Summer approaches us, another season.. 

You become what you think about, what’s really on your mind?? 

Sidebar: dweling on your “misfortunes” is a waste of time after the lesson is learned, half of that lesson is ALWAYS, move on, it could’ve been worse. Be grateful to experience the pain.. As odd as that may sound, to feel is a blessing and the pain is just a price we pay in exchange for all the joy and bliss we do experience.. The calm and peace are cherished because of chaos and desperation.. Keep that in mind. Life will never be fair in the way we want it, life is fair by not caring at all. It’s going to happen, whether it’s pleasurable or painful. Accepting that eases the confusion and saves you time. Take the gems, keep going. Time is a factor. Moving forward is a must. 

Shit real… I got work to do. 
